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“Premature Fatigue” and How to Avoid It
A Powerful 5-Minute Meditation
A Powerful 5-Minute Meditation
A Powerful Accelerator of Beginning Meditation: Do Not Criticize
A Powerful Accelerator of Beginning Meditation: Do Not Criticize
A Powerful Accelerator of Beginning Meditation: Do Not Criticize — test with fb
A Quick and Easy Meditation Routine
A Quick Dip into Bliss: Visualize a Bowl
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An Upanishadic Method of Mindfulness: Two Birds
An Upanishadic Method of Mindfulness: Two Birds
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Calm the Mental Chatter During Meditation: Say “Hang on a Minute”
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Can Meditation Help My Career?
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Every Present Moment is Exactly Equivalent. Also, there is only one of them.
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How Does Monkey Mind Draw Your Attention Part 1
How Does Monkey Mind Draw Your Attention Part 2
How Does Your Monkey Mind Actually Distract You? It Manipulates Your Attention.
How Does Zero Minute Work?
How Long Should I Meditate?
How to Get Started With Meditation
How to Quiet Your Restless Monkey Mind: Let it Run
How to Tell If You Are Using the Right Meditation Technique
Introduction to Integration: Meditating When You’re Not “Meditating”
Is Meditation Just “Doing Nothing”? No.
Is the Ocean of Bliss Dangerous?
Is There One Correct Way To Meditate?
It is perfectly possible to meditate well and deeply, in zero minutes.
Launch #1: Debrief on “Just Preside”
Launch #1: Just Preside
Launch #2: “Visualize a Bowl”
Launch #2: Visualize a Bowl
Launch #3 Introduction to “Two Birds”
Launch #3: “Two Birds”
Launch #3: Debrief on “Two Birds”
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Living With Your Monkey Mind
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Meditating for Different Objectives
Meditating for Health vs. Spirituality
Meditation as a Form of Prayer
Meditation as a Form of Prayer
Meditation Health Benefits
Meditation is like walking your dog. But you don’t have to sniff what it sniffs.
Meditation is not “doing nothing” – you are actually flexing a muscle
Meditation is the ultimate insurance policy in life. The ultimate safe harbor, the irrevocable refuge.
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Quick Tips and Guidance: The Three Signs of the Present Moment
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Quick Tips and Guidance: What is the Best Posture for Meditation? test two
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The best posture for meditation is to lie down, very comfortably.
The Biggest Mistake to Avoid When Starting Meditation
The Magic of Meditating for 40 Minutes
The Magic of Meditating for 40 Minutes or More
The Ocean of Bliss is an Unlimited Bank Account. And the more you spend, the more you get.
Two Birds Debrief
Two Birds Meditation Exercise
Understanding Your First Meditation
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What are the Levels of Progression in Preside Meditation? Part 1
What are the Levels of Progression in Preside Meditation? Part 2
What are the Levels of Progression in Preside Meditation? Part 3
What Does the Ocean of Bliss Feel Like?
What Does the Transition to the Ocean of Bliss Feel Like?
What If I Don’t Have Time to Meditate?
What is it that directs the attention?
What is the Goal of Meditation?
What is the Monkey Mind?
What is the Ocean of Bliss?
What is the Progression of Mastery?
What Posture Should I Use During Meditation?
What Really Happens When You Meditate
What Time of Day Should I Meditate?
Why is Meditation Pleasurable?
Why Meditate?
Why You Stopped Meditating
Your fantasies are a powerful force in the journey of finding your bliss. Feed their fires.
Your Monkey Mind Ensures Your Survival. But It Is Also The Engine of Your Suffering.
Your Monkey Mind is actually supposed to distract you. It is supposed to be a good thing. Until it gets out of hand.
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