Effortless Meditation for Super-Busy People

What would it be like if…


Your First Meditation (6:37)


Understanding Your First Meditation (7:37)


Please share your questions and feedback here (9 comments so far)

  1. Takaya Terakawa
    13 years ago

    Wow, it worked well! I thought the image introduced here doesn’t match the meditation, but despite my first impression, I felt as if I were in a modern art work and felt relaxed. Interesting method.
    Personally, I like longer meditation or breathing exercise though.


  2. Maggie
    13 years ago

    Wow I thought that this was made for me.. I’ve always wanted to meditate but couldn’t stop my mind. Turn it off you know? Before I realized it and before you even used the word drifting I found myself relaxing and drifting. I’m going to keep coming here and practicing this till it comes natural. Thank you so very much.

  3. FacingEast
    13 years ago

    Thank you, this was a nice experience for me. When I close my physical eyes to meditate, my spiritual eye opens. It is a very physical feeling, as if the top of my head is opening up. I enjoy it and I enjoyed your guidance.

  4. Eschly
    13 years ago

    Very relaxing, and the image used is out of meditation style but interesting and personal.
    A good method when you don’t have a lot of time and it can be used always.
    I like it, i’m feeling very good and with a lot of energy and concentration.

  5. Tara
    13 years ago

    By far one of the most relaxing meditations I’ve listened to. I like how the process was explained to me and gave me a better understanding of meditation and the proper way to do it. I also felt the instructors voice was very soothing. This will be my main form of nightly meditation from
    now on. Truly excited to see positive results over the next few weeks! Thank you!

  6. Tiffanie
    13 years ago

    I have never felt better and not stressed out. If I get angry I follow the steps. Thank you so much. I have never felt so good in my life. the meditations really work. I recommend them to anybody.

  7. Tiffanie
    13 years ago

    IT was so relaxing and it cleared my mind and helped me not get angry. Yes I felt like I was in a museum looking at modern art and art always helps calm me. Thank you.

  8. Amitabh
    13 years ago

    Hi, Went through the short session and found it useful. Though in this path of inward journey all different forms lead to the same destination of inner peace and joy, yet your method is useful and good.

  9. Corrie
    13 years ago

    I was very relaxed and able to engage in this short meditation exercise. I would like to share this with my clients and students. Nice work on explanation; the debrief session was a good add-on for those that might be confused with what to expect from meditation, in general. Thank you! – Corrie
    http://psychology-with-professor-corrie.blogspot.com/ and http://coach-corrie.blogspot.com